
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Children do not get enough water

The healthy growth of the child increases the risk of illness in the cold season and decreases the incidence of any disease. Therefore, it is essential to have the child take the water, the air, and the sun for the warm season. Fitness improves the ability to adapt to the external environment. Due to lack of fitness for young children, the cold season is more likely to have respiratory diseases and its complications. Fitness measures are simple but require much patience from parents.

Fitness by air

Child growth is essential for fresh air. Therefore, children's rooms should be regularly ventilated and should be kept open for 10-15 minutes every 3-4 hours and summer day ventilation openings. Do not wash, smoke or cook in a child's room.

Air-conditioning means keeping the child bare in a warm place for a short period. During the first day of the pregnancy, keep the child expose for 1-3 minutes each day, then prolong the duration of 10 to 15 minutes. For children up to 30 minutes for air-conditioning. Air-conditioning should be handled at 20-22 ° C for heating, and from 19 to 20 ° C in 2-6 months, and from 6 to 18-19 ° C.

Take a walk in the air. It is essential to take a baby for 10-15 minutes from the day of the birth of the fall and autumn and to make it wind up every day by slowly increasing the length of stay. During the cold season, 3-4 weeks, warm outdoors and outdoors from 10 to 15 minutes and outdoor air temperatures - not more than 10 degrees Celsius in the wind and keep them outside for 1-2 hours.

Before cleaning the child, clean the nose and freeze the nose. Because air pollution is high during the cold season, it is important to take children away from the city with fresh air.

Watering. When children are exposed to water every day, they will not be afraid of the water, and the skin will not collapse. Before closing the baby, shut the windscreen, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean the aprons. All in and out of the baths are ready to be worn and out of the water. Children's bathing room is 22 to 24 degrees.

Prepare the baby for a unique bath and rinse it thoroughly with 4 layers of cradle cloth on the bottom and warm up to 37-37.5 degrees in the first 2-3 weeks. And put the baby in the bathroom and wash the baby. Take 5 minutes in the early 7 days and 8-10 minutes in the morning before bedtime.

Water Treatment. The water bath starts at 5 months. To wipe the skin with a soft hairy towel and a pair of gloves in the water, rub it with the foot, the muscles, the thighs, the arms, the abdomen, the back, the chest, and the neck. The temperature of the barrels is 36 ° C, gradually reduced to 30-33 ° C. The room temperature should not be less than 20 degrees. Water reproduction. Start the child from one year to the water. Bring water to the baby's body using a bucket and shower. Take the water 1-2 minutes, then wipe the baby's skin with a soft pink towel and warm it. Do not pour water on the head of the child.

The sun is meant to keep the child bare in the sun for a while. It is advisable to take the sun off at 11 o'clock before 11 o'clock in the morning. For sunsets, children should be at least +22 degrees in the warm shade of the sun.

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