
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Do Not Give Vitamin To Your Child By Advising Neighbor

Vitamins play an essential role in the protection of children's health. The main concern of the mothers who regulate the child's eating habits is the lack of appetite and the inadequacy of vitamin intake. Especially the mothers who want their children to eat more, sometimes they can give vitamins they get with the advice of friends and neighbors. However, vitamins should be taken as a result of the medical examination, examination, and some tests. Excessive vitamin intake can cause more side effects than an inadequate vitamin.


Vitamins are organic compounds which are essential to the body for growth, cell renewal, and energy production and are an indispensable part of a healthy life. Vitamins are substances that cannot be synthesized in the human body.

Therefore, we need to provide vitamins necessary for our health from foods or additional vitamin preparations. However, each individual's personal characteristics and diet are different, and the vitamin requirement varies from person to person.


Children should not be given random vitamin medication, with the Internet, social media, newspaper news, and friend recommendations. A pediatrician must decide whether a child needs vitamin drugs and which product to use.

A product that is useful to someone else's child may not be helpful in another child but may cause serious side effects. For this reason, families should always consult with the specialist before using such products for their children, regardless of where they are hearing and who they recommend.


Vitamins are divided into two groups as fat and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins; Vitamins A, D, E and K. They are absorbed from the intestine in the presence of bile released from the liver and pass into the bloodstream and accumulate in the liver by binding to proteins. More than the number of water-soluble vitamins required for the body is excreted by body fluids, while fat-soluble vitamins are stored in excess fat. Excess intake of fat-soluble vitamins for storage can be harmful to the body.

Therefore, vitamin D and vitamin A need to be careful in consumption. These vitamins can cause serious side effects and intoxications, not as dietary supplements, but as a surplus of medicines. The most common symptoms and signs of poisoning; nausea, vomiting, severe headache, increased intracranial pressure and formation of kidney stones. Some of the fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the subcutaneous tissue, kidneys, and liver, and for many years the oscillation of these tissues continues into the blood. Thus, the toxic effects of these over-taken vitamins can keep for years.


The child's desire to eat may vary depending on the growth rate and the personal situation. Especially between 1-2 years of age, eating and eating rejection, such as behavior is frequently encountered and the lowest level of appetite. Most of the children in this period, some days less, some days can eat more. Also, some children may be used to feed frequently and little by little so the food consumed in the main meal can be eaten as much as the nutritional value of "cannot be enough food," he can worry parents. Each child's appetite, dietary habits, metabolism, and caloric needs are different. Parents of feeding times, meal habits; The child should decide what to eat and what amount to take. Food quality is more important than nutrient and nutrient quality is essential.


Vitamins and minerals needed by the body should be taken naturally. Many vitamins and minerals, including zinc, omega 3, iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and probiotics, are essential for the correct administration of the body's immune system and protection against diseases. If they cannot be taken with sufficient nutrients, they can be used as medication by the physician based on a detailed examination of the child and some tests.

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